Summer Virtual Research: Summer Meta-Analysis Research Training Program (SMART-P)
Meta-Analysis: Methodology and Statistical Analysis of Scientific Research
The National Chapter of the Greater Los Angeles Science Foundation is currently accepting applications for the virtual Summer Meta-Analysis Research Training Program (SMART-P).
What is meta-analysis?
Meta-analysis is a type of dry lab research which utilizes statistics to combine the results of multiple existing clinical data. Meta-analysis does not require access to expensive equipment or experience in experimental protocols. For this reason, with enough effort, anyone (even high school and undergraduate students) can create a meta-analysis and gain valuable training in such research. Exceptional students can become competitive with those published by professional researchers and can be published in a peer-reviewed journal.
The skills needed to conduct meta-analyses are widely translatable across many fields of scientific research, including basic and translational research. Meta-analyses, while generally conducted by analyzing clinical trials, can be done on many types of scienfitic research, including basic research.
About this program
The virtual SMART program is for undergraduate, graduate, and exceptional high school students interested in receiving training in research in meta-analysis. Research will be guided through a rigorous program designed after a graduate college course. Students will be expected to commit approximately 7 hours per week, including a cameras-on virtual class time on Saturdays at 1 PM to 4 PM PST (4 PM to 7 PM EST) and a 1 hour office hour time at a time to be determined by course participants. The course will run from June 15, 2024 to August 24, 2024 (11 weeks).
The primary objective of this program is to train students to assess effectiveness of clinical trials and to perform meta-analysis research. The end goal is for every student to have the skill set needed to inform effective clinical trial design and to publish a meta-analysis in a peer-reviewed journal as a first author. While extensive guidance will be given during the program, the primary responsibility for all tasks will lie with the student. Students are not expected to have previous experience in research.
There are three tracks for the program:
- C-Level: Training only track (program audit).
- In this track, students are expected to take the virtual class only, without writing a thesis.
- A certification will NOT be issued at the conclusion of the program as the thesis is an integral part of the curriculum.
- After the conclusion of the program, there are no further expectations.
- B-Level: Thesis track.
- In this track, students are expected to complete a thesis after taking the class.
- A certification will be issued at the conclusion of the program.
- After the conclusion of the program, there are no further expectations.
- Responsiblities of this track include those of the C-Level track.
- A-Level: Full research presentation / publication track.
- In this track, students are expected to take the class, to complete a thesis, and to attempt to give a presentation at a conference or a publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
- A certification will be issued at the conclusion of the program.
- After the conclusion of the program, guidance will be given throughout the year on the presentation or publication process.
- Responsiblities of this track include those of the B-Level track.
After acceptance into the program, students are free to switch between tracks, as resources permit. Regardless of the track chosen, students are encouraged to include this training experience on CVs and job/school references.
There are currently no application or program fees for the March round of applications. All resources and instructions will be provided at no cost, and no purchases are expected of students during the program.
Eligibility criteria
In order to apply to SMART-P, you must be enrolled as a high school, undergraduate, graduate, or professional school student at the time of application OR accepted into an undergraduate, graduate, or professional school for the upcoming fall semester.
You must also have access to a device capable of: running productivity software (such as Google Docs or Microsoft Word); joining Zoom calls with a camera and microphone; and web browsing on research databases such as PubMed. This requirement may be satisfied with public computers such as library or university computers.
The National Chapter of the Greater Los Angeles Science Foundation welcomes all applicants regardless of location to this virtual program. Applicants do NOT have to be a student in the greater Los Angeles area to apply.
Selection process
The first stage of the selection process is designed to assess whether applicants will have sufficient background knowledge at the time program commencement.
General biology knowledge is mandatory. Applicants are expected to have taken 2 semesters of college biology, with dual enrollment credit being accepted. Alternatively, 2 semesters of college credit courses such as Advanced Placement (AP), Cambridge International AS or A levels, or International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) will be accepted. Under circumstances that do not permit otherwise, high school credit or self-study may be accepted.
Statistics knowledge is highly desirable. This may include 1 semester of college statistics (including biostatistics), with dual enrollment credit being accepted. Alternatively, 1 semester of college credit courses such as Advanced Placement (AP), Cambridge International AS or A levels, or International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) will be accepted. Under circumstances that do not permit otherwise, high school credit or self-study may be accepted.
Epidemiology knowledge is highly desirable. This may include 1 semester of college epidemiology (or comparable course), with dual enrollment credit being accepted. Under circumstances that do not permit otherwise, high school credit or self-study may be accepted.
This program does NOT have rolling admissions; that is, applications submitted before a deadline are all equally considered.
If you are accepted for the next stage of the selection process, an interview will be arranged. More information about the interview will be provided in the Interview Invite.
Diversity and inclusion
The National Chapter of the Greater Los Angeles Science Foundation is committed to increasing diversity and inclusion in the sciences. To this end, a portion of the program seats will be dedicated to underserved populations, as defined in Executive Order 13985 (officially titled as Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government) Section 2:
"Underserved communities ... such as
- Black, Latino, and Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other persons of color;
- members of religious minorities;
- women and girls;
- LGBTQI+ persons;
- persons with disabilities;
- persons who live in rural areas;
- persons who live in United States Territories;
- and persons otherwise adversely affected by persistent poverty or inequality;
- and individuals who belong to multiple such communities."
The National Chapter of the Greater Los Angeles Science Foundation encourages applicants who are part of underserved communities to apply. Please note that this is a floor, not a ceiling; applicants who are not part of underserved communities are not excluded from the program and are also encouraged to apply.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email us at The deadline for questions for the March round of applications will be Friday, June 7, 2024 at 5 PM PST. The deadline for application for the March round of applications will be Monday, June 10, 2024 at 6 AM PST. Please note that there are future rounds of applications.
Please note that any issues with submission must be submitted as an email before the deadline for questions. Applications which are received after the deadline for applications will automatically be moved to the next round of admissions. If multiple applications are submitted, the most recent response will be accepted unless otherwise noted by the applicant.
Please visit to submit an application.